color temperature x y

The Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) to the x,y points on the xyY table were integrated over the product of CIE 1931 2 degree lambda functions (360...780nm, ...

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  • The third depicted the locus of the isothermal chromaticities on the CIE 1931 x,y chromati...
    Color temperature - Wikipedia
  • Here are the equations to convert from the correlated color temperature of a CIE D-illumin...
    T to xy - Welcome to Bruce Lindbloom's Web Site
  • The Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) to the x,y points on the xyY table were integrated ...
    CIE convertor
  • Scale Y Scale RGB K Ref. White: Dom. λ: nm RGB Model: Gamma: Adaptation: Version 3.0 iPhon...
    CIE Color Calculator - Welcome to Bruce Lindbloom's Web ...
  • The Wikipedia states that the color temperature is calculated by considering the u-v chrom...
    php - Calculate colour temperature in K - Stack Overflow ...
  • In terms of the tristimulus values X, Y and Z: x = X / (X + Y + Z) y = Y / (X + Y + Z) z =...
    efg's Chromaticity Diagrams Lab Report
  • Casual adjustment of this can result in the image appearing too red, or too blue. Setting ...
    What is TV color temperature, and why does it matter? - CNET ...
  • In the desktop publishing industry, it is important to know a monitor’s color temperature....
    Color temperature,What is color temperature? the definition ...
  • Based on the fact that the human eye has three different types of color sensitive cones, t...
    CIE Color System - HyperPhysics Concepts
  • Because there’s a large disparity between the X and Y values in the plot – the x-values ar...
    How to Convert Temperature (K) to RGB: Algorithm and Sample ...